WRRC Events Calendar:
Please check this calendar often, especially when planning a trip to the range. Range closures are noted in the title of each event. Assume these ranges will be closed 1 hour prior and 1 hour after the listed times for the event. Calling or emailing WRRC with questions about range closures will be directed to check this page.
Click here for our current Operating Hours
Range Codes:
URR – Upper Rifle Range | TT – Turning Target Range | TB – Training Bay | GR – Gallery Range/Club House | GPS – General Purpose – Short Range | GPL – General Purpose – Long Range | MU – Multi-Use Range (Shotgun) | AR – Archery Range

Event Series:
WRRC Silhouette Shoot (GPL, GPS, GR Closed)
WRRC Silhouette Shoot (GPL, GPS, GR Closed)
July 3, 2027 @ 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM

- Place: Wenatchee Rifle and Revolver Club (2800 Number 2 Canyon Rd, Wenatchee, WA 98801
- Time: 9:00 am start (please arrive 8:00-8:45)
- Match Director: E-mail questions to Carson Lutz, centerline74@live.com.
- Events: Pistol Cartridge Lever Action Silhouette Match
- Rules: Similar to NRA Pistol Cartridge Lever Action Silhouette rules. This match is not sanctioned or scored by the NRA. Spirit of the match is for competitors to be able to use a standard pistol caliber lever action rifle with no special equipment required. All shots taken in standing position with no support; no pads, gloves, etc. Slings may be attached to the rifle but not used. Competitors are responsible for resetting targets. Competitors will be paired with one shooting and one spotting, alternating at completion of each set of targets.
- Equipment: Any lever action rifle with a tubular magazine, iron sights only. Peep rear sights and covered front sights may be used. A rimmed pistol cartridge loaded with a solid lead or jacketed round-or flat-nosed bullet suitable for a tubular magazine must be used. Allowed cartridges include 25-20, 32-20, 38’s, 357 Magnum, 38-40, 44’s, 44-40, 45 Colt, 45 Long Colt. .22 Magnum and .22 long rifle may be used but they may not be powerful enough to topple the targets. Competitors will also need binoculars (no spotting scopes) for spotting partner’s shots. Empty chamber indicators required at all times when not shooting. If you don’t have one, one will be provided for you.
- Course of Fire: 10 shots at each set of targets in 5-shot strings. Two minutes per each 5-shot string. One shot per target. 40 shots total. Bring extra ammo for tie breaker shootoffs. Targets: NRA Hunter’s Pistol Silhouettes in 3/8” thick steel (“half-size” targets). Target sets: Chickens at 40 meters, Pigs at 50 meters, Turkeys at 75 meters, Rams at a little less than 100 meters.
- Eligibility: All competitors welcome, no classification. Juniors shall be 16 years of age or older.
- Scoring: Toppled targets are worth one point.
- Awards: Your personal best and the admiration of your peers.
- Entry Fee: $10.00 per competitor.
- General Information: Directions to Range: At south end of Western Avenue in Wenatchee, turn west on to Number 2 Canyon Road. Continue approximately 1.5 miles west. Gate will be monitored until 5 minutes before start of match. General purpose long range is located on the right as you enter. There is WiFi but limited or no cell reception at range. Competitors please bring water and snacks as desired, and gloves for resetting paint touched-up targets if you want to keep your hands clean. Range requires eye and ear protection.